🐞How do I report bugs?

Encountered a bug? Find out how to provide all the essential information for speedy resolution.

Bugs should be reported by sending an email to support@tern.eco. In order to get the best help possible, please provide as much context on how you or a customer has encountered the bug.

Reporting bugs

If you encounter a bug in either the trade-in portal or the merchant admin pages, please email us and provide as much of the following information as possible:

Store url (e.g. storename.myshopify.com)

Device information:

  • Browser (e.g. Chrome, Safari, Firefox etc)

  • Browser version (e.g. Chrome 107, Safari 16)

  • Device (e.g. Laptop, Desktop, Mobile, or tablet)

  • Device OS (e.g. macOS, Windows)

Trade-in order information (if applicable):

  • Trade-in ID (e.g. T-DWEX-1234)

  • Customer email

Description of the bug A short description of the issue/bug you've encountered

Expected behaviour What you expect to happen

Steps to reproduce the bug/issue e.g. 1. Go to '...' 2. Click on '....' 3. Scroll down to '....' 4. See error

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

Screenshot If applicable, add screenshots or a screen recording to help explain the problem.

Last updated