Export your trade-in data
Tern allows merchants to easily export their trade-in data.
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Tern allows merchants to easily export their trade-in data.
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The trade-in product data export enables merchant to download a CSV file containing information about products that have been traded-in.
This data can be used to analyse your trade-ins in more detail or create new product listings if you are planning to run a resale programme.
Downloading your trade-in product data is simple and should take less than 30secs. Start by heading over to the Trade-ins page in the merchant admin pages.
Select the Export trade-in product data button in the top right-hand side of the page.
In the pop-up that appears, select the time period that you’d like to export the product data from. You can select any of the default options, like the Last 7 days, or you can choose your own.
Optionally, update the Export Delivery Email. This is the email address we will send the export file to if it is too large to be downloaded in the browser
Clicking Export will then being the export, and the CSV file will be downloaded to your computer.
The trade-in product export CSV file has been based on the CSV template that Shopify provides, which is normally used to create new product listings. In addition to all of the columns found in the Shopify CSV template, Tern includes a number of additional columns that contain data specific to the trade-in.
Each new row in the trade-in product export CSV represents an individual product that has been traded-in.
For full details about the data included in each column, including how it differs for products from order history vs registered products, please see the table below:
Copied from original product listing
Copied from original product listing
Always 'Registered product'
Body (HTML)
Copied from original product listing
Copied from original product listing
Standard Product Type
Copied from original product listing
Custom Product Type
(Tern is unable to retrieve this through the Shopify APIs)
Copied from original product listing
Always 'Registered product'
Always ‘FALSE’
Always ‘FALSE’
Option1 Name
Copied from original product listing
Option1 Value
Copied from original product listing
Option2 Name
Copied from original product listing
Option2 Value
Copied from original product listing
Option3 Name
Copied from original product listing
Option3 Value
Copied from original product listing
Variant SKU
Copied from original product listing
Variant Grams
Copied from original product listing
Variant Inventory Tracker
Copied from original product listing
Variant Inventory Qty
Always '1'
Always '1'
Variant Inventory Policy
Always ‘deny’
Always ‘deny’
Variant Fulfillment Service
Copied from original product listing
Always ‘deny’
Variant Price
Always '0'
Always '0'
Variant Compare At Price
Variant Requires Shipping
Always ‘TRUE’
Always ‘TRUE’
Variant Taxable
Variant Barcode
Image Src
Pulls in the variants image from the original listing. If not a variant or no variant image is available, it pulls in the first product image.
Image Position
Always '1'
Always '1'
Image Alt Text
Gift Card
SEO Title
SEO Description
Variant Image
Variant Weight Unit
Copied from original product listing
Cost per item
Age (days)
The number of days since the product was purchased
The age bracket selected by the customer when registering the product (e.g. <6 months)
Original purchase price
The original price the item was purchased for
The amount of credit offered to the customer for the product
Trade-in Credit Value
The amount of credit offered to the customer for the product
The amount of credit offered to the customer for the product
Exchange product variant
Blank - N/A
The product variant that is being offered to the customer in exchange for the trade-in product. Only relevant to customers using the item exchange flow.
Product received
'Y' or 'N' Indicates whether the product has been received by the merchant
'Y' or 'N' Indicates whether the product has been received by the merchant
Trade-in ID
The ID of the trade-in order the product belongs to
The ID of the trade-in order the product belongs to
Trade-in Item ID
The unique ID of the product
The unique ID of the product
Trade-in status
'Open' or 'Closed' Shows the status of the trade-in order the product belongs to
'Open' or 'Closed' Shows the status of the trade-in order the product belongs to
Trade-in opened
The date the trade-in order that the product belongs to was opened
The date the trade-in order that the product belongs to was opened
Trade-in closed
The date the trade-in order that the product belongs to was closed
The date the trade-in order that the product belongs to was closed
Credit discount code
The discount code generated for the trade-in order that the product belongs to
The discount code generated for the trade-in order that the product belongs to
Total credit value issued
The value of the discount code generated for the trade-in order that the product belongs to
The value of the discount code generated for the trade-in order that the product belongs to
Date of credit redemption
The value of the discount code generated for the trade-in order that the product belongs to
The value of the discount code generated for the trade-in order that the product belongs to
Shipping cost (merchant share)
The share of the shipping cost to the merchant.
The share of the shipping cost to the merchant.
Tracking number
The tracking number of the shipping label associated with the trade-in order
The tracking number of the shipping label associated with the trade-in order
Product option
Blank - N/A
The product option that this product represents
Category path
Blank - N/A
The full path of categories that the product option belongs to
Purchased from
Blank - N/A
'From us' or 'Someone else*' The answer the customer selected for the 'Who did you buy this product from?' question. *If the question answer format is set to 'Free text' this will be 'Someone else'
Retailer name
Blank - N/A
Relates to the Purchased from column. The answer the customer enters into the free text field if they choose 'Someone else' or the question answer format is 'Free text'.
Purchase location
Blank - N/A
'Online' or 'In-store' The answer the customer selected for the 'Where did you buy this product?' question.
Purchase condition
Blank - N/A
'New' or 'Pre-owned' The answer the customer selected for the 'Was it new or pre-owned?' question.
Condition question 1
Blank - N/A
The question the merchant has created if the Condition question has been enabled (e.g. What condition is the product in?)
Condition question 1 answer
Blank - N/A
The answer the customer selects to the Condition question when registering a product
Custom question 1
Blank - N/A
The question the merchant has created if the first custom question has been enabled (e.g. What colour is this product?)
Custom question 1 answer
Blank - N/A
The answer the customer selects to the first custom question when registering a product
Custom question 2
Blank - N/A
The question the merchant has created if the second custom question has been enabled (e.g. What colour is this product?)
Custom question 2 answer
Blank - N/A
The answer the customer selects to the second custom question when registering a product
For merchants looking to list trade-in products for resale, the CSV file can be used to import trade-in product data directly to Shopify to create new product listings. We’ve purposely formatted the export CSV to mirror the product template file that Shopify provides, so merchants only need to edit the data before re-uploading the same file to Shopify.
Edit the CSV file to contain the products that you want to create new listings. Make sure to edit the Handle, Title, Body, and Variant SKU columns as failure to do so could result in overwriting existing product listings.
Save the file, making sure that it is still in CSV format.
Head over to your stores admin pages, and navigate to the Products tab.
Click the Import button, upload your CSV file, and select Upload and continue
Preview the details about the import, and then click Import products.
After your CSV file is uploaded, you receive a confirmation email from Shopify at the email account used to set up your Shopify store.
For further information or support with importing products using a CSV file, see the Shopify help docs: